How to Unlock Hailey in the First Descendant!

How to Unlock Hailey in the First Descendant!

Learn how to Unlock Hailey in the First Descendant. Hailey is one of the most anticipated characters in Season 1 of The First Descendant. Unlocking her requires dedication, strategy, and a solid understanding of the game’s mechanics. This guide will walk you through each step of the process in detail, ensuring you have all the information you need to add Hailey to your lineup.

Overview of Required Materials

Before diving into the specifics, here’s a quick overview of the materials you’ll need to collect:

  1. Enhanced Cells
    • Mona Shards
    • Compound Coding Material
    • Poly Ion Particles
    • Hailey Enhanced Cell Blueprint (36 pieces)
  2. Stabilizers
    • Nanos
    • Reverse Charging Cell
    • Negative Ion Particles
    • Hailey Stabilizer Blueprint (36 pieces)
  3. Spiral Catalysts
    • Repons
    • Carbon Crystals
    • Common Carbon Activator
    • Hailey Spiral Catalyst Blueprint (36 pieces)
  4. Data Chips
    • Data Chips (36 pieces)

Now, let’s break down each step in detail.

How to Unlock Hailey in the First Descendant

Step 1: Gathering Enhanced Cells

1.1 Collecting Mona Shards and Compound Coding Material
Mona Shards and Compound Coding Material are fundamental to crafting Hailey Enhanced Cells. These materials can be obtained from resource boxes or munition boxes, which are abundant across the map. Keep an eye out for these boxes as you explore different areas, as they are relatively easy to find. Use your map to mark the locations where you frequently find these boxes to streamline the farming process.

1.2 Farming Poly Ion Particles
Poly Ion Particles are a bit more challenging to obtain. The most efficient farming spot is the Command Relay mission located in the Fortress area. This mission is particularly lucrative because it spawns two to three bosses, which increases your chances of obtaining the particles. The mission itself is relatively quick and can be completed multiple times, making it an ideal location for farming. After each run, reset the mission and repeat until you’ve gathered a sufficient amount of Poly Ion Particles.

1.3 Acquiring Hailey Enhanced Cell Blueprint
The final component for the Enhanced Cells is the Hailey Enhanced Cell Blueprint. You’ll need 36 pieces, which are exclusively available through the new Invasion Missions introduced in Season 1. Each time you clear an Invasion Dungeon, you are guaranteed one of Hailey ’s research materials. The faster you clear the dungeon, the better your chances of obtaining up to three materials per run. However, be aware that Invasion Dungeons are only available twice per day, so it will take several days to gather all 36 pieces.

Step 2: Crafting the Stabilizer

2.1 Collecting Nanos and Reverse Charging Cells
Nanos and Reverse Charging Cells are required for crafting the Stabilizer. These items, like Mona Shards and Compound Coding Material, can be found in resource and munition boxes. They’re spread across various Outposts, so make sure to explore thoroughly and revisit areas frequently to maximize your haul.

2.2 Farming Negative Ion Particles
Negative Ion Particles are more specialized and can be found in encrypted boxes located in Sterile Land. Although using an Enzo makes finding these boxes easier, it isn’t necessary. To locate these boxes, use your Cod Breaker and pulse the area to reveal them. The number of particles you need is relatively low, so a few successful runs should provide enough for your Stabilizer.

2.3 Obtaining Hailey Stabilizer Blueprint
Just like with the Enhanced Cells, you’ll need 36 pieces of the Hailey Stabilizer Blueprint. These are also obtained through Invasion Missions. After completing these missions, head over to either Vesper (Hard) at the Shelter or Echo Swamp (Hard) at the Chapel. The bosses in these areas have a chance of dropping the required items. Remember, the difficulty level mattersβ€”make sure you’re playing on Hard to maximize your chances of obtaining the blueprint pieces.

Step 3: Crafting the Spiral Catalyst

3.1 Collecting Repons and Carbon Crystals
Repons and Carbon Crystals are the next materials on your list. These can be found in the same resource and munition boxes scattered across the map. Again, use your map and pulse feature to locate these boxes quickly. While these materials are not particularly rare, you’ll still need to do a bit of farming to gather enough for crafting.

3.2 Acquiring Common Carbon Activator
The Common Carbon Activator is essential for crafting the Spiral Catalyst. This item is relatively easy to farm, with the Shelter Mission being a recommended location. You can run this mission on either Normal or Hard mode, depending on your skill level and preference. Defeat the bosses, restart the mission, and repeat until you have collected the 14 pieces needed.

3.3 Obtaining Hailey Spiral Catalyst Blueprint
For the Spiral Catalyst, you’ll need 36 pieces of the Hailey Spiral Catalyst Blueprint. If you haven’t already gathered enough from the Invasion Missions, head over to Agna Desert. In this area, you have the option to run either the Asylum or Caligo missions on Hard mode. Both missions have bosses that may drop the necessary blueprint pieces. Repeat these missions until you’ve collected all 36 pieces.

Step 4: Collecting Data Chips

4.1 Acquiring Data Chips
Data Chips are the final component you need to unlock Hailey . You’ll need 36 of these, which can be obtained during Invasion Missions. Additionally, if you need more Data Chips, you can farm them by completing The Haven on Hard or Mysteries End on Hard. These missions provide a decent chance of dropping the required items. As with the other materials, persistence is keyβ€”keep running these missions until you have all 36 Data Chips.

Crafting Hailey

With all the required materials in hand, it’s time to craft Hailey . Head over to Anaise in Albion, where you can combine everything to finally unlock her. This process is more involved and time-consuming than previous descendants, but the reward is a powerful new character that will enhance your gameplay experience.

Tips for Efficient Farming

  1. Plan Your Day: Since Invasion Dungeons can only be completed twice per day, plan your gaming sessions around these missions. Prioritize them to maximize your material gains.
  2. Utilize the Map: Mark locations where you frequently find resource and munition boxes. This will help you farm materials more efficiently without wasting time searching.
  3. Team Up: Some of the harder missions, like those in Agna Desert, are easier and faster when completed with a team. Find friends or join a group to make the process smoother.
  4. Take Breaks: Farming can be tedious, so take breaks when needed. This will help you stay focused and avoid burnout.


Unlocking Hailey in The First Descendant is a challenging but rewarding process. With the detailed steps outlined in this guide, you’re well-equipped to gather all the necessary materials and craft her. As the game evolves, mastering these farming techniques will be essential for unlocking future characters as well.

If you found this guide helpful, don’t forget to like and subscribe for more in-depth content on The First Descendant. Good luck, and happy farming!

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